Navigating Of Mice and Men: A Book Report Journey

This book’s on my T B R. List right here. Of mice and men. Now, i’mma tell you, I tried to read this book about four times, and I always give up. I don’t know why. It’s just complicated. And this time, I’m not gonna read it either. What i’mma do is i’mma audiobook it, and i’mma follow along. I gotta finish this book report, and this book report is gonna get done on of mice and men. And i’mma do this thing. I’m gonna get a little help from y’all on the internet, you know, cause I ain’t ever done this. We’re gonna do a Powerpoint. I don’t even know what a Powerpoint is. I’ve been talking to people online, and it was like, do a Powerpoint and do this and do that. I’m gonna do the whole thing. I’mma type this thing up, and i’mma read it back to y’all, or however you Powerpoint it. I think that’s how you say it, right? However you Powerpoint it. I’mma Powerpoint back to y’all, and i’mma show y’all what I got done. And i’mma let y’all rate me. Where’s a lot of educators and teachers and stuff on here, and this is the first time I can, you know, get a grade for, like. No, give me a grade. Why not? Agree, you know? I’m trying to. I’m. I’m going for an A plus, you know, I settle for a A, A, a B or something, you know? I ain’t I want no trueness or those zeros or nothing, you know what I’m saying? But for real, we gonna do this book report and I’m gonna let y’all educators grade me on this, and we gonna see what happens. So on of my son, men, be prepared. I’m documenting the whole thing. I’m not just gonna give y’all the ending. I’m gonna show y’all the whole process. Cause there might be some real good frustrating parts in here that y’all can show some of your educators. Now let’s go read.