Breaking the Two and a Half Minute Song Rule: Embracing Artistic Freedom and Sonic Exploration

If you’re making a five minute song, two minutes can get cut out for sure. A really good song should be relatively short. Boo, boo, boo. This, to me, is a horrible, horrible take. And I’m gonna be opinionated about it because I can be. Um. There’s so many great examples of how art can be incredible over the two and a half minute Mark. I’m gonna give you a great. A really great example right now from this year, actually. Um, Billie Eilish’s album, um, multiple songs over the two and a half minute Mark. Actually, the majority of the songs. It’s not all the songs over the two and a half minute Mark. And it is such an incredible sonic journey. It takes you through so many emotions and sonic feelings, and it’s still that good. Um, I think it’s dumb that you’re limiting yourself to the confine of a two and a half minute Mark. That’s dumb. There’s no rules to music. And I guess you can. You can feel that way. You can feel that two and a half minute is the benchmark. But I feel like you’re really limiting yourself, and there’s so much more to explore, um, when you don’t put that confine on yourself. Make what you wanna make. It’s not better if it’s two and a half minutes, because that’s what the norm. The norm is becoming. Whatever. I don’t know. I just think it’s a dumb take. I’m sorry.