Unraveling the Chaos: Donald Trump’s Campaign Scandals and Mental Fitness

on that hallowed ground should that they have put out I don’t know what the rules and regulations are I don’t know who did it and I could have been them it could have been the parents it could have been somebody it was your campaign’s TikTok though that put out the video I really don’t know anything about it all I do is I stood there and I said if you’d like to have a picture we can have a picture if somebody did if this was a setup by uh the people in the that was Donald Trump dancing around yet another campaign scandal they happen every day what didn’t he know he knew everything his campaign deliberately tried to stage a campaign ad at Arlington Cemetery broke the law his staff assaulted an Arlington cemetery employee and of course Donald Trump not only claims ignorance but tries to blame someone else why because he has the maturity of a seven year old look the bottom line is that Donald Trump’s campaign has not had a good day in nearly two months it’s been one misstep one campaign scandal after another at every rally he rattles on and on and reveals it something is not right in his head he can’t even talk coherently anymore the problems reside not with Donald Trump’s campaign staff they reside in Donald Trump’s head he’s not fit mentally fit for campaigning and he certainly isn’t mentally fit for office every day is a bad day for Donald Trump right now every day the mistakes pile up every day he reveals that something’s not right there it’s a steady drip it keeps getting worse and quite frankly I don’t even think he can go on until November 5th I really don’t think he’s gonna make it to the finish line