Traveling with an Almost Seven-Month-Old: Tips and Adventures from Florida to California

Travel with us from Florida to California with our almost seven month old. This will be her second trip flying. We started off at waking up at 7:00am, arriving at the airport around 6 to pick her up out of the car seat and realise she had the biggest blowout ever. So we literally carried her through the security like that and had to change her immediately. She thought it was super funny so we had our first change of clothes. I would not expect anything else from her, I swear she always has blowouts. And then I made her a bottle and fed her a little bit of that, maybe four ounces of that just to keep her happy. And then I saved those two ounces for when we were taking off. That’s one of my biggest tip is to feed your baby when you’re taking off cause it helps them pressurize their ears when they’re sucking. That spinner toy was such a hit. I stuck it to the window and she played with it for so long. And then the first flight was literally only an hour to Atlanta and after she took her bottle she slept the whole way and then she even let me transfer her into the carrier which was so nice. And then we got on our second flight to California and biggest tip go up and ask if there is a row with an extra seat anywhere and they will most likely give It to you. And we got it, which was so nice to have a little bit of an extra room. She loved to lay and play. This flight was almost five hours long, so it was definitely nice to have the extra space. I gave her a bottle while we were taking off, and then she played it for, like, the first hour and a half of the flight. I let her take over the vlog a little bit. She loves playing with my phone. Um, and then a biggest tip that I had. One. Another big tip that I have is to buy, like, one of those passy clips. Clip their passy to. You can see in this video she’s not constantly losing her pacifier. And then she took a little nap in the middle of the flight, maybe for, like, an hour. This one wasn’t as long as the other one. And then I turned on a little show for her. She was literally only interested for, like, 10 minutes, and then we were like, an hour away, so we played for the rest of the flight. But she really did so good overall. She really didn’t cry much. So hopefully the flight to Hawaii later this week is just as good.