Vaping Industry: Creating a New Generation of Nicotine Addicts – A Personal Account

It’s just my real world experience as we might say. I’m not basing this on data. I see teenagers who would never have picked up a cigarette because it didn’t taste very nice, addicted to nicotine. You’ve successfully got another generation addicted to nicotine. And I’ve also seen recently this summer, old friends who haven’t smoked for 20, 30, sometimes 40 years and now they are routinely vaping. You know why? Cause they like the taste of it and because they are now re addicted to nicotine. So the success of the vaping industry is not to get people to quit, it’s to create a whole another generation of people who are addicts. Well, like I said, young people shouldn’t be vaping in the first place. And admit it. You know, you just need to admit it. You just need to admit that’s what this is. It’s not a quitting product anymore. Just admit that’s what you’re doing. Well, if you accept that the human race has used nicotine for more than 10,000 years and probably more, but that’s the evidence that we can find cause tobacco is perishable. Well then if you are pragmatic and you accept that humans want or need to use nicotine, well then the pragmatic thing is to provide them with the safe way to do that. And unfortunately. Then stop pretending. Then stop pretending you’re trying to make people quit smoking. That’s not what this is. And I think you just all need to Be honest in the vaping industry that you want a whole another generation of adults and children addicted.