Kid’s Dilemma: The Temptation of Reese’s Cups and Roller Skating

Dad, can I go play outside? No. Why? Last time you got in a stranger’s van, he had a Reese’s Cup. So what? So what? You know I love peanut butter. You can play in your room. But I wanna play outside. If I let you go outside and a stranger pulls up, will you promise me you won’t get in his van? In this scenario, does the stranger have a Reese’s Cup? Yes. I’m getting in the van. You’re staying inside. Please, I want to roller skate. No, I can’t trust you. Fine. I won’t get in the van. Even if he has a Reese’s Cup? Shit! He still has a Reese’s Cup. And that’s why you’ll stay inside. Okay, okay. I can do it. I promise I won’t get in the van. Even if he has a Reese’s Cup? Even if he has a Reese’s Cup? The king size. Can I peek my head in? Just go upstairs. What did I say? You’re not allowed to talk to strangers. Can I just get in and then not talk to him? You’re staying inside. I promise I won’t get in the van. Okay, let’s role play. Okay. Hey, buddy. Hey, stranger. Hey, you wanna get in my van? I’m not supposed to get in your van. I have a Reese’s Cup. I don’t care. I don’t want the Reese’s Cup. I have two Reese’s. Two? Oh, my gosh. Okay, I don’t. I still don’t wanna get it. And a Kit Kat. A Kit Kat and a Snickers. And a Snickers. Get in my van. Come on. Don’t tell my dad, but open the door. I’m getting it.