Embracing Hydration: My Journey to Drinking More Water and Navigating the Diet Coke Debate

First off, I have listened to every single one of you when you talk about Diet Coke, and it’s not healthy for you. Um, I am on a mission to drink more water. Let me show you my fridge. As you’re gonna see, there is no Diet Coke in my fridge. Oh, my God. Pete must have stalked me. And I can’t help it if my sweet husband stalks me up on Diet Coke in the fridge. Also, let me, um, on a serious note, yesterday when I was on that conference call in India, uh, one of the people that I was on the conference call, his dad is the CEO of Coca Cola and Nepal. You guys know what I did? This was a serious meeting. And I said, hold up. Mind you, there was, like, seven people on the meeting. I said, okay, now we need to. We need to talk. Does your dad have a connection, um, to Diet Coke, uh, in the Coca Cola factory? And is he looking for an influencer? Haha. On another serious note, guys, I do drink a lot of water. Also, I got a new necklace yesterday. I fell in love with it. Fell in love with it quite a while ago. And yesterday I got it, and, you know, it is gorgeous. But, um, I am drinking more water. But Diet Coke is something that I enjoy, so there’s that. Okay, I’m logging off, climbing over this bed. Go ahead. Come On with the comments. I know you’re gonna attack me on the diet coke. Only people that are not allowed to attack me are, um, any people that smoke or drink any form of alcohol whatsoever. Everybody else, attack away.