The Epic Chicken Salad Showdown: Unleashing Flavor Fury on Bethany Frankel

Haha! Alright guys. The unleashing of chicken salad fury on Bethany Frankel. Haha! Look, he just made a face. Haha! I am gonna kick some ass. So this is rotisserie chicken. Get a whole hot chicken off the rotisserie and you stick it in a big bag, you smash it. Gets rid of all the bones. This is what you got left. You ready guys? Little bit of celery you don’t call nuts. This is way too much celery. Onions can never hurt. Plenty of onions. Start with that. Alright. A little salt and pepper right out of here. And pepper. Alright guys, here we go. Plenty of pepper. Gotta put a lot of pepper. And we load up the mayonnaise. I’m not gonna eat this. Of course you’re using the whole kitchen. The whole chicken, right? Not just the breast. The whole chicken. Yeah. The whole enchilada. Makes it tastier. Plenty of mayonnaise. I’m not having it. I’m on a diet. I’m making it for everybody else. And then you just continue to mix it like this. I can make in. Wow. It’s gonna lead on a lot more Mayo. Why you. The lot. That’s a lot of chicken. That’s why you need more celery, right? I need more Mayo. Yeah, you need. Could be a whole thing of Mayo. It’s alright. It’s what it’s for. It’s for a little more onion, a little more celery. I think you should put it all. Maybe I’m gonna taste it. Okay. Look how nice it’s mixing up. I liked my recipe better. No way. Yeah. This is gonna be the best chicken salad ever. I’m not even gonna be close. So just salt and pepper. That’s it. That’s it. You don’t need anything in this. The hell? The mayonnaise makes it. Look how creamy this is. Take a close up of that. Now watch this. I’m watching. Watch this. Guys, I don’t reuse the fork. I do it once. Absolutely spectacular. No kidding. Fabulous. I’ll let you know. I’m gonna teach. I’m the one who’s gonna be eating it, so I’ll let you know. Oh my god. Alright, good job. Wow, that’s good.