Behind the Scenes: Shooting a Music Video in London

Come with me to shoot a music video for one of my new songs. Okay. So boom! Obviously it was a bright and early start. 6:00am and straight onto the train. Hates the underground bruv. But anyways, we arrived in London, I linked up with my boy Ian who’s directing and recording the video. Obviously had to get suited and booted. This vids about to go crazy. Check the DIY set up. Yeah, we had a chopping board and old telephone and we got the maddest shot. Yeah, I can’t wait for you lot to see this. It was crazy. Anyways, more shooting at the first location. This was a hella long day. And then we moved over to Notting Hill. Uh, this place is looking like Ballymurphy Bruv. Um, all the houses are mad colourful so we had to get some shots there. Um, this ended up being a proper long day like we were. We did like 6 locations in one day, which is crazy. Anyways, here’s us on the way to some romantic looking park. Bro. This is like something out of Love Actually. Anyways, more um, phone shots, more lip syncing videos, more performance. And then we went to the last location of the day. This was the 6th time. I was mad tired at this point. Quick McDonald’s milkshake for a pick me up on my way home. And then we wrapped up a good day in the office.