Adventures of Air Travel with a Toddler and Baby: Snacks, Struggles, and Sweet Moments

Let’s do a four hour flight with our toddler and baby. We’re crossing our fingers it’s gonna be okay. I had to break out the snacks to check in because both kids were tired, but we don’t wanna let them sleep until we’re on that plane. We’re having lunch on the airport floor because the goal is to make sure they’re full and to tie them out before we get on that plane. Rebel and I were doing as many laps as possible because on our flight over here she was non stop wriggling. We used to be able to put a video of dancing fruit and vegetable for Rio when he was her age. She is not interested, she just wants to be moving. We then did a bit of plane spotting and Rio was thrilled because our plane is orange, which is his favourite colour. Hi, it’s finally time to board. Let’s do this. One of the challenges when travelling with babies is boarding the plane whilst carrying a baby and all your stuff. Some people did offer to help us, but out of pride I was like, no, I can do this. This is what I go to the gym for. Remember my amazing snack box? Well, this is a week old unplanned version and it was still so popular. It’s only been on the plane a minute and it’s being raided. However, I did buy some biscuits and sweeties to slightly. The next challenge when travelling, With the baby is how to find a comfortable position to sleep yourself whilst holding the baby and also trying not to wake them up. We had a lot of screaming whilst we were waiting on the tarmac, but as soon as we were in the air it took 5 minutes and everyone was asleep. But unfortunately it’s always very short lived when you’re out and about with rebel. It wasn’t long before she was poking Rio. Our flight actually wasn’t too bad, but we were all so happy to be back in our car. On the way to see Dolly, my friend had dropped her off, so she was there waiting for us in the window. We opened the door and she came rushing out to see us. And as you can see, she picked me first. She knows I’m the sensitive, worrying one and I need as many cuddles as possible. After many, many lakes, we all went inside and it was a home sweet home. I did lose rebel for a moment. When I went to find her, she was outside sitting in the garden throwing stones everywhere.