Deep Cleaning Chronicles: Day 2 – Tackling the Hallway and Bedroom

I am back with the full day 2 rundown of my free house cleaning in Philly with Ari. Yesterday you saw us tackle the living room, the dining room, the bathroom and the kitchen. So first thing this morning, we’re tackling the hallway together so that I can make my way through to this bedroom to get started. I also severely underestimated the amount of bottles and garbage that were hiding in here. When she started throwing them out, I just could believe how many came flying. I would sweep out a big pile, pick it all up, and then start sweeping more out again. And it just did not stop. At least I know the older woman who was living here was hydrated. Do we think maybe sending her a water cooler would be a good idea? It would definitely save on a lot of plastic. I got Sammy in to lift up the bed because it was just way too heavy for us. And this was all that came out from underneath it. Once I got all of that swept up, I then got to yell at him to take the trash out. That’s my favorite part. And the dust. These fan blades were so satisfying. I know we’re weird. Then came one of my favourite parts, new sheets and bedding. I can’t imagine how good it’s going to feel for her to crawl into that nice clean bed. And just like that, the final garbage pickup came And I spent some time putting together some cute little cleaning baskets for all of the neighbours.