True Friendship in Times of Loss: The Story of Will’s Daily Calls

Will’s friend’s dad died. Will texted him and said, I feel for you. I know what you’re going through. I lost my mom at an early age. I’m sure you’re being inundated with calls and texts. So I’m not gonna call you today. But what I will do is I will call you every single day at 9:45 a. M. Do not feel obligated to pick up. I don’t mind if you don’t, but when you’re ready, know that I’m calling you. And for the next, I think it was three months, eight months, something, he called every single day at 9:45 a. M. And for the first week, his friend didn’t pick up at all. And then after the first week, he picked up every day and they talked every day for months. Like think about the intentionality that somebody who loves and cares about you so much that they will call you every single day at 9:45 just so that you can see their name pop up on the caller ID to know that you’re not alone. I mean, it can bring, it brings me to tears just thinking about it. Like how many of us are, are that good a friend? I want friends like that.