Drew Watches the Watchmen: An Audio Commentary for a Cause

Hey, do you like Watchmen? And also helping people stop for a second and listen. My name is drew, and I love talking about Watchmen. In fact, I love talking about Watchmen so much that I teach it in a high school classroom. But I also have a series here called Drew Watches the Watchmen, in which I analyze and interpret and break down what makes Watchmen such an important text. Recently, a new adaptation of Watchmen was released. It’s an animated film that’s broken up into two parts. We’ve only gotten the first part. We haven’t gotten the second one. Today I made something for you. I record an audio commentary of myself watching the movie. It’s a literal drew watches the Watchmen. And I’m discussing how elements from the book made their way into the movie and things that they changed and Easter eggs and different things like that. And if that’s something you’re into, you can download and listen to it while you watch the movie. But how do you get it? Go to the place where you click things and then find this button. It will take you to this website where you can make a donation to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. This money goes directly to children who are being harmed or displaced by the bombings in Gaza. Make a donation. Literally any amount, whatever you are comfortable giving. I don’t care. Just make a donation and send me a screenshot of the receipt. Send it to me via email through this button right here, and I will send you my audio commentary. I’ve been trying to find some way to help the people of Gaza for some time now, and this is what I landed on. I know it’s not much, but it’s really all that I can do. So please send a donation, help some children out, send me the receipt, and you will get to be a part of the very special, very literal drew watches. The Watchmen.