Day 3 of Rehearsals: Excitement, Treats, and Prep for the Big Show!

Hello there, friends. It is day 3 of rehearsals. I do have my retainers and stuff. I’m a bit lispy, that is why. But we started the day at Desiree and Gill for our favourite brekkie. We got some treats for the crew cause they’ve been working really hard. And then we went to rehearsals for the final time. We’ve been finishing, bedazzling, sharpening on microphones. And we had a really good day today. We’re feeling really good about the show. We’re so excited. This is our lunch at the finished mic. Beautiful. Grace is snackered. Um. And then we’re literally all done. All the set is getting loaded into this bus. It’s going to Ireland. We cannot wait. The time has finally arrived. And then we finish the day getting some gorgeous below dry. So now we feel brand new and ready for a beautiful show. So let’s go!