Unveiling the Meaning Behind First Steps: Decoding the Title of the MCU Fantastic Four Movie

The MCU Fantastic Four movie is officially titled First Steps, but what exactly does this mean? Well, I have some ideas. Idea number one is that First Steps is referring to space exploration, nodding to Neil Armstrong’s one small step for man. And this makes sense with the fact that the movie seems to be centered around the idea of the team as astronauts, as we can see in the original image and in the leaked test footage. Idea number two is that First Steps is literally referring to the first steps of a child, in this case Franklin Richards, the son of Reed and sue. It’s been heavily rumored that at least one of the couple’s children will appear in the movie, and if the title is hinting at that, Franklin Richards might be playing a very large role in this movie. And finally, idea number three is that first step simply points to the beginning of the Fantastic Four as a superhero team. The Fantastic Four is legendary to Marvel Comics and has a lot of stories that can and be and likely will be told in the MCU. So it makes sense for this title to signify the start of a very long journey for this team as heroes. So comment down below what you think First Steps is referring to, and make sure to follow me if you don’t already for more content like this.