The Remarkable Find: A 4-Year-Old’s Treasure Hunter Discovery Leads to Heartwarming Reunion

4 years old today, Leo from Lancelin is a little treasure hunter. The cap had barnacles on it, rusted shut. Careful. It might break. Can’t do it. Some careful knife work. Alright, here it goes. And out came the note. A little soggy, but legible, dated 1985. That’s amazing. Oh, God. 7 news helped Leo’s family track down one of the note’s authors. I was like, oh, my god, is that really that? Oh, my god. I haven’t thought about that in forever. Now 54, Joe and her friend Louise were 15 when they wrote the simple message asking for a return letter before throwing the bottle out to sea. Louise sadly died of leukaemia six years ago. It’s just amazing. She’d be so thrilled. Louise’s sister says it’s given the whole family something to smile about. Joanne says she believes that the way it’s survived so well is thanks to the hot wax that her and Louise melted around the top to seal it shut. Just 15 year olds, a bit bored, you know, trying to think of fun things to do. James comedy, 7 News.