Exploring Fuse’s Cluster Charge Mechanics on Deployable Shields vs. Scopos Shields in Rainbow Six Siege

Next is gonna be fuse and how you can actually put a cluster charge on the Scopos shield. This shield for all intents and purposes is a deployable shield, which means that just like a deployable shield, you can put a cluster charge on it. Now before we set it off and see what happens there, I wanna see what happens when you swap robots. I assume the cluster charge gets destroyed. Nothing happens. Yep, exactly what we expected. You cannot put it on the other side. Not that that really matters, but in case you were wondering also, okay, you can put it on the metal. It just, you can’t put it too low. It has to be at least like chest height. I wonder what happens. Does it break the glass before it goes off? As well it should? Yeah. Oh, it doesn’t even have to do the whole drill through. It just immediately pops off on the normal deployable shield. Doesn’t have to drill through it. Okay, just for confirmation sake, if you put a fuse charge on a deployable shield, I’m pretty sure it needs to drill through. Yeah, so for some reason, doesn’t have to drill through a scope of shield, but it does have to drill through a deployable shield.