Navigating the Realities of Project 2025: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

So a lot of people have been stitching a video that I did, dispelling some myths and misrepresentations around Project 2025. And they’ve been taking a little snippet of that video where I said Project 2025 is not here. And they have been taking that wildly out of context, which is a favorite pastime of the internet. If you watch that entire video after I say Project 2025 is not here, then you would have to acknowledge that I also said that the mandate for leadership, which is put out by Heritage Foundation, which is what Project 2025 is, has been around in some form or another since the early 80s, since Reagan’s presidency, this push towards right wing crystal fascism, authoritarianism and all this has been around for a while now.

So to say that Project 2025 is already here, we are in a state of Project 2025. Ness. It’s an oversimplification. That’s the point of the video. It’s like someone telling you to batten down the hatches cuz there’s a storm coming. And you say, well, I hear raindrops. The storm’s already here. I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re in the storm. And then the person is like, no, you don’t understand. There’s a Hurricane. There is a Hurricane on the way. And the person responds again, no, I hear the raindrops. They’re here. Raindrops are ever like, you don’t hear the rain. We hear the raindrops.

Everyone understands that there are elements of what Project 2025 really entails. There are elements being implemented right now, and that’s going to continue regardless of who’s in office. But the very fact that there is a manual stating what their actual goals are should be an indication to everyone that they are nowhere near done. They haven’t even really gotten started. Good. And whether you think the Democrats can wage an adequate defense against it or not, that’s another story. But to say that it’s already here and therefore. Which is always what comes after it, therefore, it does not matter if a Republican or a Democrat is in office. That is absolutely incorrect. And, the crazy part is that the Heritage Foundation and every other conservative organization that has put this manual together, they would be the first ones to tell you, no, we haven’t really gotten started. Good. You know, just give us the rains. We’re just hearing raindrops right now. But you give us the rains and we’ll show you what we can really do. They would be the first ones to tell you that.

So the problem that I have with people claiming that Project 2025 is already here and it’s just done is that it’s always an excuse to dismiss concerns about it. It’s always an excuse to label people who are discussing the reality of this plan, to label them as fear mongers. And the irony about the fact that people are stitching this particular video of mine is that it was me telling people stop using that to fear monger.

That is not an automatic reflexive thing that should be thrown in people’s faces when they express concerns about the Democratic Party. People have a lot of legitimate concerns about Democrats right now and Project 2025 should not be thrown in their face as the sole reason that they need to vote for a democratic administration. There are a whole lot of other things we need to be concerned about right now. But Project 2025 is very real and very serious. And as I say frequently, we’ve got to be able to hold multiple realities at once. That’s just where we are.