Cracking the Code: A Connect Four Mystery

If I hold the battery against this, these light up. We have two numbers lighting up there. Two and four. Now let’s keep working our way down until we get a connect four. We’ve got five and one. Remember those? Two, four, five, one. On the next one. We’ve got zero sevens. We’ve got three in a row. Working our way down. And we’ve got two down here. Eight. And it looks like six. We’ve only got three left, so hopefully we get that five over there. And that is four. I’m guessing this is how it works with Connect Four. Two, four, seven, five. Has to be the code, right? No. Wait, am I losing it? This one gave us 2 4, this one gave us the seven, and then we got the five from this one. That’s four in a row. Maybe I just don’t understand how connect 4 works. I guess at the very least, we can try this one out. What? Now we’ve got all four lighting up here. Okay, this has to be it. Let’s check it out and see. We’ve got one, six, four, eight. They kind of fooled us there with that earlier Connect Four, because it looks like this work. Let’s go.