Changing Your Life with a ‘Yes and’ Mindset: Embracing Opportunities with Positivity and Courage

over the last year I’ve developed a yes and mindset and it’s actually changed my life I say these two things to myself like everyday and it opens me up to new people and then new opportunities you lose 100% of the shots that you don’t take maybe you’re not 100% qualified or maybe you don’t have 100% of the skill that’s listed for that job application but because you didn’t apply you will never know if you got it or not That senior director will never talk to me because I’m so junior but you didn’t ask so how do you know the second thing I tell myself like on the daily is what’s the best that can happen this is a spin on what’s the worst that can happen because it’s like a super negative mindset for example if I’m like on the fence about going to an event I’m like oh it’s kind of awkward will I know anyone there what’s the best that can happen?? worst thing is that it is awkward but then I just leave and best thing is that I have the night of my life I meet amazing people etc I also like surrounding myself with people who adopt this mindset because it pushes me out of my comfort zone in an amazing way start saying these things to yourself every day