Banging Heads and Stunt Doubles: A Comedic Reflection on Movie Making

We are just like, Andrew, we got it. No, no, stop hitting your head on the thing. We don’t need that shit anymore. Haha. There was only. I was like, no, I wanna make sure you got it. I think there was only one time for the first time in this movie that I was like when I had to keep banging my head against the ground. I was like, you guys, I realized there’s a pad here, but it’s only this thick, right? I’m busy. The noggin is twisted. Haha. I was like. I’m. I’m like. I got a headache. Do we have to go again? I need a stunt head. You guys can’t compete together. Oh shit! Oh! Oh! Oh! Angela! Oh my god! Oh shit!