Title: Motivational Speech for High School Soccer Player: Supporting Lucas Dolla Boy

Now, Shane, we got Lucas Dolla boy here who’s a freshman high school soccer player. Have you ever said anything terrible about a kicker before? Horrible? Like kicker kicking is so easy. So I can make this. I could go out right now, make a 45 yard. What do you have to say to Lucas? Maybe to get him jacked up? Or maybe some motivation. I don’t know. Lucas seems you like arrogant. Like it’s kind of. I’m really hoping you fail now. I was cheering for you. I was cheering for you. Then you’re like, I’ll do this, no problem. Tires got signed for Season 10, Lucas? Yes, sure. Loser. I can save you from this if you don’t want Lucas to do it again. Let’s get the ball back. Let’s get the ball back. You’re gonna do it. Alright, here we go. Pat, this is for $50,000. And also Texas A M. Oh, we got it! We got it! Oh my god, you’re so good. Oh no! Ha! I can’t open it.