Unexpected Resignation: A Comedy of Errors

Francisco. Hey, what’s up, man? How are you? Hi. Yeah, hey, thank you so much. Thank you. Can you do me a huge favor? Yeah, okay. Can you deliver some bad news for me? Uh, for who? Uh, for my boss. This is his house, and I’ve been working. I, I can’t do it anymore, man. Can you just call him and tell him that I quit? That your name is Steven? Steven? Yeah. Just tell him I can’t do it anymore. You can think of any excuse. Hey, Steve, where you at? Uh, no, I’m in San Francisco. Uh, Steven quit. I don’t know why. Steven’s quitting? Yeah, it’s quit only. Yeah, no more here. Wait, what reason did you do? I don’t know. It’s only. He go. He’s just not coming to work today. No. Can I, can I talk to Steven? Uh, Steven not here. I don’t know where he is. Um, well, you, you let Steven know that I’m gonna kick his ass, okay? I heard it. Thank you so much. Um, let me grab a tip for you real quick. One second. No, no, no, no, that’s okay. No, please. That’s okay. No problem. For you. Please. Thank you. Francisco, please. That’s okay. Why? No. Francisco, please. Are you sure? Yeah.