Million-Dollar Wheels: A Closer Look at the Value of Car Haulers and Loaded Vehicles

5.74 million is what you see behind me worth in trucks and vehicles that are loaded on the trucks. So counting up the price of all nine of these trucks and how much the vehicles are worth on each truck, brings us to a total of $5.74 million in value. Right in front of you in this video, we have nine Peterbilt 3 89 car haulers. And on today’s value, what each one of these is worth, with how old they are, $400,000, $380,000, $350,000. 3. 83, 83, 53, 53, 83, 80. This one’s worth a little bit more, because it has some more stuff done to it. $2.97 million just in trucks alone. That’s nine trucks, and this is not even all of them. In our company, we have a total of 17 car haulers just like this. And counting all the sticker prices on all the vehicles loaded up on each truck, $2.775 million in vehicles on the trucks. And yes, I went through and counted all the vehicle pricings on all the loads. So next time you see one of these bad boys on the road, just know you’re driving next to a million dollars worth of equipment and vehicles.