Cigarette Snacks Recipe: A Sweet and Salty Oreo Delight

y’all ever seen cigarette snacks I forgot where I saw this y’all but we finna make it and then try it if somebody know who the pho created this tag them if you know if you created it you see this tag like say you did it I I don’t know I just saw this shhh on Insta so this recipe pretty simple all we gonna need is pretzel sticks rold gold classic some white chocolate I’m doing Ghirardelli melting drops Oreos and some coconut oil my pretzels look a little skinny I don’t know if I got the right ones we gon take a pretzel you gonna chop the top chop the bottom just like that you could do more than one at once to save time bunch of cigarettes then we’re gonna take the Oreo pop it open get the cream out either with a spoon or your tongue throw it in the blender 15 Oreos later I don’t feel good just scoop the pho kin cream off alright y’all now we got our ashes it look good is it ash looks like ash next the fun part we gon put this on low put some coconut oil on some of the white chocolate use the ones you got just wait for these to heat up a little bit kind of like butter look they already starting to melt gonna need a lot more than this actually you can microwave white chocolate to get it to that melted thing is we just don’t have a microwave while we wait for that let’s do Parchment paper Parchment paper ya little pan up gon pour it in here just so it’s a little easier to dip the pretzel sticks then you just gon take a pretzel stick coat the end of it a little bit longer all the way to the bottom just like that let it dry up dip in the ash got yourself a little baby cigarette let it cool on the Parchment paper some of them you could bite down make it real small just a little tip on it little ash get that put out effect let those cool shouldn’t take long maybe like 10 minutes use the rest of your Oreos to set up a little ashtray I don’t have an ashtray so ima use this little plate make sure you get out any big Oreo bits now that you got your ashtray put your cigarettes in put the butts look at that y’all from a distance this look like some stuff I don’t know when you would actually wanna make this cause you probably don’t wanna feed kids this it probably not a good baby shower move I’m like I guess Halloween probably your best bet we gon try it out but let’s do a quick prayer first love to the animals and all that no love to the cigarettes love to my people trying to quit I guess try one of these cigarettes out gotta smoke it first GaahhhDayumm! its kinda alright salty sweet got Oreo crumbs I’ll throw a couple of these back