Title: Exciting News: Dragon Ball Stage Panel at Jump Festa 2025 and Return of Manga and Anime Prediction!

Alright guys, so this is actually huge news. But real quick before we dive in, hit that follow button if you don’t. Dragon Ball has officially been confirmed to have a stage panel at Jump Festa 2025 in December, and many are predicting that we are going to get the return of the manga and or the anime. And with them completing the manga and the anime, we may see these characters inside of sparking zero a lot sooner than we expected. So send this to a friend who’s been waiting on manga characters. Leave a comment to let me know how you feel and drop a follow or else! Oh, and really quickly, before I leave, which one of these four characters are you most likely to add to your five man squad? Are you going with the strongest in the universe and adding Black Frieza? Maybe you wanna add some range to the squad and put Amumu down granola in there. Maybe you’re trying to get wicked with the planet eater tomorrow. Or maybe, just maybe, you want to put your ops in that gas pack. Whoever it may be, let me know in the comments. And until next time, happy sparking!