Shopping Adventures: A Day in the Life of a Retail Enthusiast

Wait, this eats, though. She’s actually cute. What’s her name? Lakisha. But she’s cute. Oh, my god. Okay, he’s not as cute as I thought he was gonna be. Oh. Oh, nothing. Oh. Oh. Oh, my god. Oh, my lord. Let me just put these things back. Hold on. Get into it. What’s that? Oh, my god. My husband loves strawberry milk. Creaming his pants right now. Isn’t it crazy how when you’re an adult, you don’t even want to get none of this shit no more? Doesn’t even look appealing. Okay, there’s some more goldfish, but I don’t see. Oh, there she go. Only one 79. Oh, would you buy five or more? Bitch, I’m not getting no money. What the fuck? Okay, let’s see how she hitting. All right, I got what I came for. Let’s get the fuck out of here before I spend more money. Okay. She said she already got one, so goodbye. Is this new? This is kind of sexy. I never been to this Hobby Lobby Christmas section before, so I don’t know what they got, but we’ll see. What is that? What is that? You just threw earmuffs. When I was in, um, high school, I went through a phase where I wore earmuffs every single day for no reason. Every. Even when it wasn’t winter. Yeah. You know, I love looking at the mall. This is so strange, cause you would think this is where she would be, cause this is All the licensed characters, but I do not see her. They got Grinch and Rudolph, but I don’t see nothing else. What is this? Just. It says no clue. Oh, my god. As cute as it is, like $10, isn’t it? Like, look how small it is. Bro, be serious. I know all the Christmas stuff is half off, but even $5 is still insane for that. This had to have come somewhere, cause these is, um, like a fucking garlands. These is not. This is not this. See, cause here, go to license and cap and ain’t got nothing on there for her. I’m just so confused. Like, where would this have came from? Like, I didn’t see no other shit over there. I didn’t even see no other slogan. Like, where did this come from? They got a little snoopy something here. Oh, they’re like little garden flags. It’s so cute. I don’t know what a garden flag is. I just read that. I just simply don’t need this, so I’m just gonna leave it. Um, if it was a music box, I’d get it, but it’s not. Next stop, throw away my trash. They have a bunch of carts out. These. These aren’t new, though. These are old. Bro, is this Obama? Wait, what are you doing with that? Give me some. Dude, this juicy purse I put over here the other day is still here. That’s so funny. Should I get it? Bro, I keep seeing It. They have like, a lot of tanks out, so I’m gonna try to look through the. I’m not really seeing anything off the bat, but I haven’t been in that section cause no Halloween stuff’s been coming out lately, so I don’t know. I’ll look around though. Only reason why when I’m at home goods, I don’t really go to the boxes like that is because I know that they don’t leave the ceramics in the box. They take them out. Always. Okay, I see some little ceramics here, but I don’t know if it’s anything that I’m looking for. Fuck over her nose. I’m not looking for none of that. It seems pretty much now that the Halloween stuff and the ceramics are back once again in two completely different sections. Cause for a while it was putting the ceramics in the Halloween section, but now it seems like they. They. They’re back to putting them in their own little aisle with all the other ceramics. So, um. Okay, I guess I’ll go the other way. Me and my arch nemesis. For real. So sexy. She. She’s still very cute, but I don’t know what the fuck wrong with her nose. I don’t know where the sign went, but this is Sam’s Club. My membership is expired, but I’m gonna see if they’ll let me just walk around and look anyway. I don’t even see any person checking the card. I mean, I guess you really wouldn’t need To you have to scan the card to check out anyway, so. Okay. See Minecraft. I see bluey vampire, bluey squishmallows. You see hello Kitty. Bro, look at this shit. This looks so fucking comfy. Oh my god. Hmm. It’s actually kind of hard. It looks better than it feels. This must be for the little kids. I’m in Walmart right now. First of all, I know I’ve been shit talking to squishmallows all video, but this motherfucker used to be like I said, I was dropping something. Bro. This nigga used to be really rare. I never seen her before. She kind of cute. Um, I was looking for this for a long time. Um, that might be a little too overkill for me, but she’s kind of cute. Wait, this is actually really cute. Aww. They got the matching pants too. I got just like regular wide leg sweats. I don’t know if i’mma fuck up the whole fit, but I’ll try it on. Long time skip, but I’m over at Marshalls now. They got a whole bunch of these blankets. These the same ones from that video? Remember that video I made about the reseller in, um, San Diego? Her name is Mari, by the way, but she had a whole bunch of these. And look at them just sitting here as if anybody gives a fuck about them. Like they are not. I don’t know what she was doing all that for. They probably still up On her damn page right now. These are the only things that I’m getting. Just stupid PJs. So this is the end of today’s vlog. Bye.