Embracing Change in Leadership: A Response to JD Vance’s Criticism of Kamala Harris

JD Vance ripping on Kamala Harris for flip flopping on issues is really rich first of all let’s normalize changing your mind on a topic or an issue when you receive new information or you learn something that you didn’t know before good leaders should surround themselves with people who know more than them who are willing to push back and then they should be open minded enough to hear those people change their perception of an issue and move forward with new information that’s good leadership nobody has flip flop on an issue as fast as JD Vance and the issue itself was Donald Trump I mean wasn’t it just a few years ago that JD Vance was a never Trump guy and now he’s running with Donald Trump as the vice presidential candidate just a few years ago that one of his very dear friends and classmates was a trans person with whom he regularly had communication and now all of a sudden he’s leading the charge that’s very anti LGBTQ my point is this Kamala did not flounder in this interview and to me when you change your mind on a topic or an issue when you’re presented with new information that’s good leadership as long as you’re moving forward and not back