Single Bethany’s Boat Date Adventure: Finding Confidence in Social Settings

Alright, let’s get ready for a date. I’m excited. I haven’t been going out much. I laid low. I had a little social anxiety because I forgot who I was and was doing too much. Maybe I’m open to going out like once a week. That’s better for me. Single Bethany is not an easy Bethany, because Bethany likes to be isolated. And we love people who talk about themselves in the third person. Uh, don’t get impressed by anything I’m doing. This is the only thing that I sort of know how to do, and I Learned it last week. The date is on a boat, but we’re taking it to a restaurant. So it’s almost like it’s transportation to the restaurant. I said, I do hope you know how to swim in case we hate each other. He said, I don’t. I. I’m pretty sure you won’t hate me. Which I like cause it was confident. He certainly didn’t say he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t hate me, but he can’t know that, so at least he didn’t lie. You’ll find out soon enough. Jesus, take the wheel!