Soulmates in Stories: A Podcast Journey with Emily and [User’s Name]

Good morning. Hi. This is my best friend. Her name is Emily. Sometimes people think we are sisters, and I love that, because, look, we’ve been best friends since 2,001. Like soulmates, right? You have your partner that’s your soulmate, and then you have your friend soulmate. We’re soulmates. Um, we have business. And a lot of times when people see us together, they say these words, you should start a podcast because. Because we get into. Because we. When you’ve been best friends for 20 years, you have stories to tell, and you have. Anyway, we did it. Now we have a book club, so some of the podcast will definitely be talking about the books we read, but also we go on tangents. Uh, last time, in the middle of it, she did this to me, but it was to show me that her finger was infected. And you guys, it was infected to the point I was like, you’re. That’s going to your heart, and you’re going to die. And I told her, if you don’t go to the hospital, I’m gonna screenshot this message you sent to me that said, I’m gonna wait one more day and go to the hospital. And at your funeral, I’m gonna say to them, she didn’t listen to me, and she died because of this cut on her finger. So those are the kind of things you can expect to hear from us. We have a Patreon. Just join it. Today. Click the link in my bio. It’s there. Join. It’s gonna be horrible, but great.