Cherishing the True Essence of Love: Embracing Imperfections and Moments Together

Love is someone seeing the absolute worst side of you and still loving you the same. It’s someone making things happen for you when you can’t. Someone holding you and calming you down while you’re pouring your eyes out. It’s someone voicing all the good things about you when all you see is the bad. It’s someone making sure you are okay. Someone praying for you every day and night. It’s someone who makes you laugh and smile when you feel down. Marry someone who lets you have a bite of their food even when you said you weren’t hungry. Marry someone who laughs at the same things you do and kisses your nose on a cold day and loves to watch movies with you. You won’t find the same person twice, not even in the same person. Stop getting so emotionally attached and enjoy experiences with a person. Be friends. Be a moment in time, be a memory. You don’t have to fall madly in love with everyone who comes your way. Just enjoy their presence and your moments together.