Disappointing Dialogue: A Critical Review of Daisy Jones and the Six

this might be a controversial opinion but I did not think that this was a good book this book disappointed me so bad I was really really looking forward to this book and it just really truly fell flat to me for those of you that don’t know Daisy Jones and the six is written in a non traditional format it is written in interview style so it kind of has people’s names and then just dialogue like as if they were speaking to the interviewer and I was actually looking forward to reading a book in a unique format I thought that you know it had a lot of potential to be something really cool but to me I think it ended up just making the book really lack in all of the different details and nuances and just the different information that you can gain from a book with all the stuff that isn’t dialogue like everything else because this only has the dialogue I just feel like it makes you miss out on so much and even with it being only dialogue I didn’t feel like the characters really had that much development the two main characters I feel like are the only ones that really had character development and some of the other characters really didn’t have much purpose in the book like there’s one character in this book whose sole purpose is to hate one of the main characters and he’s just like a hater in the whole book but like you never learn anything actually about that character so I don’t know it was just really kind of lame to me like none of the characters were that likable they didn’t have that great of character development the plot was really pretty predictable nothing that happened really surprised me even the ending there’s two things that were supposed to be plot twists I guess but it was really predictable not all that surprising and not really that good to me I kept reading and kept reading and kept reading this book because I kept waiting for it to be good and to live up to the hype that’s behind this book on booktok and it just never did and to be quite honest I wish that I DNF’d this book I would not recommend it and I give it two stars out of five I guess I’m really sorry to anyone that really likes this book I know lots of people love this book I wish that I did I was looking forward to it so much unfortunately it’s not for me