Friday Night Antics: From Concert Drama to DIY Haircuts

The reason that I’m crying today is because I’m supposed to be going to a Jose our concert tonight, and my ex boyfriend bought me tickets because he knew that I was sad and crashing out, okay? And then his tire burst, so now he doesn’t know if he’s able to go. And I can’t go with anybody else because my friends are off doing some gay ass shit. And before you take that as an insult, I mean, they’re literally doing gay ass shit. Like they’re going to drag queen stuff and things like that. And then this is why it sucks to not have any straight friends. Like, even the straight girlfriends I have are like, straight. Like this in Friday night, it’s like peak gay time. So they all have plans and everyone’s like, we don’t wanna listen to Siren sad music in the forest. Like, I win over all the dolls. Okay, who says the gay shit you can do on a Friday night anyway? I just need to get my life together and stop being such a wretched little bitch just so I’m going to transform. I finally stopped crying, but I have these fake hair bands and I kind of want to try them. I don’t know if this is the right moment. I don’t know what I’m wearing yet. My style is basically bitch that hoe sure. With us now. How the hell and what the hell this is giving Merkin. Oh, god. I feel like this cannot possibly be correct. Instructions unclear, I don’t really use extensions. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to use synthetic hair on a straightener. Wait. I feel like this actually isn’t that bad. I just need to cut them. Or is it like I’m blind and can’t see and it’s awful cutting bangs moment? I feel like this would have been helpful if I had one of those middle school existential crises where I got really good at cutting bangs. But unfortunately I skipped that step and literally shaved off half my head into a side cut like Cassie. So I’m lacking in this. I hope this isn’t my real hair. It’s supposed to be kind of choppy, so just like this. Oh my god, if I cut my eyelashes. Girl ASMR. Do you like it? I feel like it’s not that bad. Like, is it cute? Like, do we like it? I’m gonna try to get dressed now and we’ll see about the bangs.