Confusion and Clarity: Pronunciation 101

Trois mots Anglais. Ça a créé un pile de confusion qui fait moon back arrivé prononcer like vidéo Ambre et montre. Comment vous prononcez? Premier Mois, C’est Thrille. This is a voiceless stage. This is a numerical value. A numerical value. A numerical value. A numerical value. Three. 3, 3, 1, 2, 3. 3 comes after two before 4. Mon Dieu. Vinie apredou Avon cat. Good. Let’s go now for the second word. The second word is free. Free. Free. In the first context, you can use free when you say not imprisoned or enslaved. Premier contact avec le capitaine est un free sale de ledi panne prison, ubien pies club. For example, the Russian soldiers were free after two months. The Russian soldiers were free after two months. And the second context you can use the word free is to say obtainable without any payment. For example, the book is free, don’t pay for it. And now let’s talk about the last word. The third word. Tu as ya moa say tree. Is it by myself? Met a confusion? Not at Mundo say tree. Whenever you have t plus r, you hear a sound like Tchoua. OK, donc n’importe LA ouais t r OU souvent je ne sens tchou. C’est raison qui fait les vinguins e e après t r entendez son tchoui parce que e e a bamson I tchoui. Tree. Any plant. For example, coconut tree, the banana tree, the guava tree. The first one is three. The second one is three. This is F sound three. And the last one is three. Est-ce qu’on est au même? Non, mais raison ça a live vidéo ça a partager pour plus mon capable et puis quitte en commentaire pour moi pour dire qui s’apprennent de nouveau. Est-ce que t’es comme ça déjà