The Challenge of Immigration: The Demand for America and the Exodus from Italy

you don’t know anybody that wants to go to America let me give you the numbers Italy which is one of the most beautiful countries in the world has an exodus of people is losing thousands of people every single year even of the influx of people it cannot keep up with the outflow losing more people than what we’re getting this is the most beautiful country in the world one of the most beautiful countries in the world America for 55,000 spots to get the green card lottery 10 million applications if you wanna talk about illegal immigration 10 million people in four year if you wanna talk about H1B visa registrations H1B visas also lottery 55,000 spots 400000+ applications H2A visas 2 to 400,000 applications H2B visas and other tens of thousands of application other words there’s so many people trying to come in in America every single year that it could fill up an entire country in Europe you put everything together up between 12 to 20 million people try to come to America every single year there is a population of around 50 there’s a third of Italy trying to come to America every single year I don’t know people that want to come to America know the pirates only have one blindfold think you have both cause I mean it’s quite obvious peace out