Challenges and Priorities in Government Projects: A Reflection on the Economy, Poverty, and Social Issues

No.1. Implementing a smoking ban wouldn’t actually, I don’t think, be terribly expensive. Or sorting out the children who are in dire poverty would be. And that’s not something you can solve easily. Please remember, for a start, that none of this is Labour’s fault. They’ve inherited all of this after 13 years of disastrous Tory rule. And they have said quite squarely that it is going to take years to sort out the mess. And governments are designed to run lots of different projects at once. The most important thing at the moment is sorting out the economy to make sure that there is the money to fund this stuff. And it does appear that once they’ve gone in, Reeves gone in and had a really good look at the finances, there’s a lot less money than she thought there was. However, that. That being by the by, please also do not forget that. Yeah, I agree. Lifting children out of poverty is really important. Sorting out knife crime is really important. Sorting out climate change is really important. Other people will have different ideas as to what the most important thing to do is, and if we were going to do those things one at a time, a lot of them would never get done. But we have departments so that we can sort this all out, you know, start working on. Sorting out the NHS is really important. Where do you start? Well, you start with All of them. And you do what you can as it becomes possible. But underneath that, like I said, unless the economy is sorted out, none of it will get sorted out.