The Rise of Taylor and Travis: A Tale of Social Media Influencers and Potential Super Couples

Um, I know some people have some very strong opinions about this, but we need to talk about it. And that, of course, is Taylor and Travis. We need to talk about it. It really has. I, I’ve been doing this bit for a couple of weeks and. And the crowd is very split on them. They’re very. But here’s the thing. I’m going, I’m gonna explain why they’re so popular, okay. And I’m gonna do using Venn diagrams. This is how nerdy I am. Okay? It all has to do with social media followers. Okay. Taylor Swift has 520 million social media followers on all the platforms. Yes, very popular. Very cool. Travis Kelsey, if you include the NFL, has 422 million. And the overlap was three. Before they got together, there were three people that were fans of both of these groups. That was it. And when they got together, they immediately merge and look, they. 942 million. That’s why they’re so popular. But I realized, cause I’m an engineer, we could do better. We could do better. Cristiano Ronaldo has 876 million. Number one in the world. Cristiano Ronaldo. Yes, he’s hot and I. And I’m not gay, but Andre told me he was hot. Christiano Ronaldo has 800. If he would date Selena Gomez, who has more than Taylor Swift? That couple. That couple. 1.56 billion. But we can even do better. If Cristiano Ronaldo would actually somehow date Elon Musk, then you’re tough. That is world domination.