Reuniting the Raid Group: Scheduling Struggles and Real-Life Responsibilities

time to get the old raid group back together yeah! alright I am also excited great so we’ll all log in Tuesday night and hit this thing hard everybody make sure that your gear is up to date- oh uh Tuesday night yeah I can’t do Tuesdays, I’m assistant coaching Teddy’s soccer team yeah, and I gotta go to my kids recital so oh okay um guess we won’t go for server first but ya know that’s cool we’ll just bump it to Wednesday and we’ll just oo ah, can’t do Wednesdays, that’s uh Cheryl and my date night you can’t just like, skip it this once buddy this marriage is hanging on by a thread I cannot miss date night okay, fine we’ll just meet up on Thursday and ahh wait no I gotta colonoscopy early Friday morning so I can’t be up too late and because we’re all husbands and fathers I’m gonna assume that our weekends are booked up with kids, chores, errands, family obligations, and godwilling a small but not entirely non zero chance of intercourse? yeah, everything but that last one well great then when’s the next time we’re all free? okay so assuming nobody gets held back or has mono or anything we should be able to finally get together to raid the Tuesday after Susie’s graduation in 2031 sounds good works for me getting old is fun yeah