Morning Routine with Rayban Meta Smart Glasses: A Day Full of Insight and Creativity

Morning you guys. Happy Monday. I thought we could film a little morning vlog this morning because I have a lot of stuff that I have to get done today. I first need to make some breakfast. I wanna go on a walk. I wanna get a workout in and I also have a nail appointment today. It’s just a busy day. So let’s get this day started. Spend the morning with me and my Rayban Meta smart glasses. With the Meta AI feature built in, I’m able to get instant insight and creative recommendations about the world around me as I go throughout my morning. So let’s try it out. Hey meta look and tell me a unique and exciting way to make this. Try making a breakfast sandwich with the bread and egg or use it to make French toast. Perfect. I think it’s so cool how the smart glasses are taking a picture of what I’m looking at and it’s using Meta AI to provide an answer. It’s so quick and so easy. After my breakfast, I decided to get ready for a walk and I used Meta AI to figure out my outfit. Hey meta look and tell me which top looks better with these pants. Pink top would compliment the pants. Well, as you can see here, I used Meta AI to see what top was a better option for my outfit. I think it’s so cool how it’s able to determine what they think Is the best choice for my day. After I got dressed, I ended up going for a walk outside for about an hour. I enjoyed the beautiful fresh air and it’s one of my favorite ways to move my body. I am literally sweating just from the walk alone, but I still need to do a workout and I’m gonna ask meta what kind of workout I should do. Hey meta, what’s a 20 minute full body workout I can do with no weights? Here’s a 20 minute full body workout with no weights. Jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, squat jumps, push UPS, lunges, planks and sprints in place. Repeat each exercise for 30 to 45 seconds, rest for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat the circuit.