Debunking the Myth of Instant Money: Why True Wealth Requires Strategic Action and Value Creation

I promise you, if you turned off your phone and you are not allowed to go on any Instagram, TikTok, or any shows or anything, and all you’re allowed to do is just go do research on money, what it is and how to make it. I guarantee you that with one day you’ll have more information and you’ll be smarter than 99% of people. Because that’s how low and how ignorant most people are. Stop. Oh honestly, I feel like people should not just be allowed to buy podcast equipment to create terrible content like this. Because that is not the fastest way to $1 million. It’s taking massive action and providing more than $1 million of worth of value to customers in exchange for them giving you $1 million. It is not just deleting social media or ignoring all of your social media. what happens if that is the primary way you actually find information like so many people do on TikTok? I’m not gonna say all the business information on TikTok is great and that you should listen to. Prime example here. But seriously, yes, you want to eliminate distractions, obviously, and social media can be a distraction when not used in the right way. But just by doing one day’s worth of research on what is money is not gonna get you to $1 million. And it’s not the fucking fastest way either. And it won’t put you ahead of 99% of people. That is just statistically wrong.