Inside the NBA Championship Celebration: Cleveland Cavaliers, Champagne Smells, and Playoff Intensity

82 games. You gotta be locked in every night. Plus 16. + 16 wins. We took us 21 or 22, whatever it was, to get there. And you know how intense playoff games are, man. We each brown. It’s like. It’s so hard to put into words, but when you finally hit a horn sound, we in Cleveland, like, celebrating. Changes off like, all right, this. Who knows what’s about to happen from here, you know? It was dope. When they went back and play the next year, James said he smelled that. You said he said it? Oh, yeah, he said it. Locker room still smell like champagne a little bit. That’s got a little bit of asshole shit talking to him, but he just covers it up with the good image. Yeah, that shit was slick as fuck. I was like, shit. I was like, oh, he’s an asshole. That shit was funny as a motherfucker.