Gum Drop: The Ultimate App for Content Creators – Get Gifted Collabs and Earn Commissions!

Alright, y’all, I had to share this new app I found today. It’s for content creators. If you like gifted clubs, or actually it’s like you get a gifted collab, but then you also commit commission. So it’s almost like TikTok shop, but you get to share products and then you get a referral code and people get 20% off or whatever the company’s offering. Anyways, I just used it to get this really awesome like tactical backpack for my husband, which he’s been wanting for a long time. And it was like $200 and I got it for free. So I’m pretty excited about that. But I wanted to share with you guys because I know there’s tons of content creators with a lot of followers and a little bit of followers and we all love gifted collabs. At least I do. If you sign up and you do a collab, we both get $20. Just like right off the bat, you can share your for your referral code with everyone that you know and you both get $20 once that person click completes a collab. So it’s pretty awesome. You can find it in at the top of my page. I love to share these kinds of things, especially cuz you just like you get money right off the bat, but you also make commissions off of the product. So you’re getting for free. So if you like that kind of stuff, check it out. It’s called Gum Drop. And I’m pretty sure it’s like a relatively new app. I just saw it yesterday. And yeah, so I downloaded it and got a collab today. And they gave you collabs based on your account. So you can connect your Instagram and your TikTok. And yeah, go do it. It’s really fun.