Exploring the Unique Ride Experience of the Ripmo AF Bike: A Personal Perspective

I was really excited for this bike being the Ripmo AF. It’s been around and it’s so popular. Yeah. But for me personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of the bike. Yeah, you use the word squirrely, and to be honest, like, it felt squirrely to me too, which is why I liked it. Okay. And that’s a really interesting thing. I think this bike has always been praised for its sort of like, you know, like, play by kind of tendency and. Right. I think that came through maybe even more than we thought. It’s got the second shortest chain stays and the highest or the second highest bottom bracket. Then I like bikes with short chain stays and high bottom brackets, cause I feel like BMX bikes, and this bike had that, which I think is why I enjoyed it. I describe the feeling riding it as being almost surfery. You almost steer it from the back of the bike. Yeah. Or like your powder, like snowboarding and powder or something like that. But it was a very different feel than the other very different feel. Like everything lower, lower. More like, I don’t know, um, neutral bikes, slightly longer chains.