Revamping Homemade Skate Rails: A Week of Building, Skating, and Camping Adventures

This is probably way cooler to me than it is to you, but in this week sort of weekly video recap or whatever we’re calling these, I wanted to revise the, the homemade skate rail that we made last week. You can see I got some new tools here. I Learned a lot from version one, so with version two, I really wanted to build off of the mistakes that we made the first time. And I was really happy with how it came out. It was definitely not. Not perfect by any means, but it was better. I think one of the biggest differences is it actually skated without toppling over or. Or bending or anything. I loaded it up into the truck and dropped it off at the local skatepark actually. Cause I’m gonna be making a bunch of these rails as I, as I try to get better at metal fabricating and all that, and I don’t need them all, so I’d like for them to actually get some use. And I mean, we went camping, I slept in the back of the truck with Kona. And I mean the, the video doesn’t do it justice. It was such, such a sick trip. You guys know the deal by now. Way too much happened this week to g it all into one of these little, uh, one minute recap. So if you’re interested in watching the, the full long form videos, you, uh, you know where you Can find those, but super fun week.