Title: Chase Bank Glitch Exposes Massive Withdrawal Loophole: Warnings of Legal Consequences Amidst Chaos

There is currently a massive glitch with Chase Bank that is allowing people to withdraw thousands of dollars that they don’t actually have. So late last night, people found out this new glitch that was allowing people to take tens of thousands of dollars from Chase Bank that they didn’t really have in their account. A lot of people are saying this is just like the Doordash and the Cash App glitch that happened last year where people were able to take out a ton of orders and money even though they didn’t have it. Like this guy right here who put in $100, but chase allowing him to take out $80,000 tomorrow. These were the lines of people lined up outside Chase Banks this morning, all trying to take advantage of this glitch. There’s reports that Chase Bank is locking these accounts that tried to do the glitch for seven days. So even the money that you really do have in your account, you’re not gonna have access to it for the next week. Also, there’s rumors that people that try to take out massive amounts of money like this will be charged with felony charges and could possibly go to prison. The same way people were taking advantage of PPP loans and they’re taking advantage of Chase’s new glitch. But if you know anybody that uses Chase Bank, please tell them do not try and use this glitch.