The Chaotic Adventures of a Game of Chance with Jackson

Go. No, no, no, no, no, no. Got one. No. Take your money for your personal. Take your money for your personal. Pick a spot. No. Purple. No, no, no. 야 no. Nope. No. Take it. No, no, no, no. Nope. No, no. Got another one. No. Take your money, though. Put it down. No, no. Oh, my gosh. No, no, no, stop. It was cracking me up. Nope. No, no, why were you laughing? No. Got one, Jackson. Let’s go. Got the 50. Big money out here. That’s mine. No, no, no, no. Got one. No, no, no. Nou. Hmm. Hmm. Got it. No. I know this one is here. No. Oh, my gosh. Got that, Jackson. Oh, yep, yep. You got it. Let’s go. You’re the winner. How much you got? I got 10, 20, 40, 90. No fair. I didn’t get nothing. I just knew I got 40. I did. Oh, my god. I pushed the button, and then I told myself, this is definitely. Oh, my gosh. That was my next spot for the orange. I quit.