Navigating the Timo Influencer Program: Step-by-Step Guide to Signing Up and Earning Rewards

Hey, guys. So I am guessing a bunch of questions and comments on how to sign up, actually sign up for the Timo influencer program. A lot of people got true and a lot of people are still having problems. And let me show you where you going wrong.

Firstly, you’re going to your app store, your Google play store, and you’re typing in, well, for Google Secure VPN, this is the VPN using for Android, Samsung Android wafer. If you on iPhone, you’re using super VPN proxy, right? Then you’re gonna go and open it. You making sure you turn off your location on your phone. You open the VPN and you connect it, you click another little global circle up in your right corner, and you are changing it to United States, US West, right? As the first one. And you’re connected there. Then you’re gonna go on TikTok, you’re gonna go on my profile, and you’re going to click the link in my bio, which is my link 3. And you’re going to click Li Timo, Influencer Pro. Program while v so on and gimana klik di influencer program. Kok bisa kan ya ya? And then you see joint program. When you see that, they will lead you to a page where you sign up, you’re putting all the information, which account you’ll be using. You see join our program, you clicked up and how I already on it wouldn’t send me to a page where I need to sign up again. Right? After even assigning up, you see that message on the influencer program when you see your account has been approved, you would see that update if your account has been approved or not approved, you have to wait until it says that. So you can leave this in a browser, a web browser, which is Google or Chrome or whatever you use. Leave it like 24 to 48 hours and wait until you approve. Okay? Or they would send you a message that red dot ad sub corner where a message come in, you would see the message there that’s your account has been approved and it would give you your money to purchase. Where you see in my benefits seed and balance, that’s the money they give you back when you post content. So respero campaign and online campaign.

I just clicked on online campaign where you can do in the time being, we can look through, read through and stuff and they tell you all what to do, how long, if it is supposed to be, how much picture she pictures to use. What captions do you, they give you the caption, you just have to copy it and paste it in. They give you the hashtags and everything. You have to copy and paste it. Any caption, right? This is where they give a new e caption, any hashtags, everything, they will give you an option to copy it and paste it. And as your code and your link, you making sure you put in that in your link tree. And No. 3 is where when you finish post your TikTok video showing your products that you received or telling people to join the influencer program or doing any other campaigns. You are pasting your TikTok links to your video here and you’re pressing update or I forget it wasn’t that just give you press review and t. Timo would review it and get back to you within 24 hours to tell you if the content was approved, which it will be approved once you do everything they see, right? And then they will send you more money. When you gain, they will send you more money once the video approve, right?

So this is the campaign where you can actually get free items. So you select anyone that you want, you scroll down to the bottom and you would see select free products. I got more money again and I can see like any free products that I want once it’s equivalent to the amount that I have in my seating balance, right? So I have like 30 something dollars right now. And I just have to put, I have to post my video to get more money. Because I already ordered my second package and it is on its way to Trinidad already. So no matter what you click, you can click anything. It depends on what. You guys like how superx source you make up you like every anything, whatever you want depend. They’re all there. Some are essential. You like clothes, you like accessories, you like phone cases, makeup, anything, it doesn’t matter. You can click on join and you just have to do everything they tell you to do. See like your products and wait for you to reach another. And then you have to do the video. If you take a long to do the video team, I would keep messaging you and tell you, yeah, we send you stuff for you. So please do the video and post the link. Send us the link and stuff, right? So yeah, these all the products you can select and stuff like that. You have to have a skybox where you can ship it to when it gets there. Remember, we’re in Trinidad, so you obviously you have to pizza clear it when it reaches. And yeah, so once you do everything I tell you to do, make sure your account has been approved. You have 1,000 followers on either TikTok or Instagram. And yeah, do the VPN first before you click the program, right? This has nothing to do with Timo app. Yes, they would send you to download the app, but they have nothing to do with the app. This is on Google or Chrome or whatever web browser you open its own. So, and also if you choose a.

Online kabin dia ada usaha gitu gue stimu 6. Take screenshots or whatever and then post it. They will tell you what to do. This is the messages where they telling you, they’re showing you, this is proof that your package has been sent, content published. This is when Italian we send you stuff. You could post the video and stuff, please. Shenyang account was approved. So yeah, that’s it. So if you guys still have any problems, feel free to message me, but I kind of break it down a lot by.