Morning Supplements for Brain Health and Anti-Aging: Insights from a Neuroscientist

Three morning supplements to slow down aging. I’m a neuroscientist. I specialize in helping people prevent alzheimer’s disease with science. And today, I’m going to share with you three supplements that I take in the morning that are really good for not only optimal brain health, but also slowing down aging. And I want to cite the work of Dr. David Sinclair from Harvard. He’s a Harvard geneticist, and he shared these on multiple podcasts, and I’ve been taking them, and I wanted to share them with you. Oh, and by the way, I take my. I put my morning supplements in this little container. Really saves time, makes it easy to travel, and that way I’m not opening multiple supplement bottles at. At once. So the first one is called NMN. That stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide. Basically, it’s a precursor to NAD. N AD is an energy source used in basically every cell in your body, similar to ATP. If you don’t have NAD, you basically die within 30 seconds. So having more NAD not only increases your energy, but also helps slow down aging. So NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide, is one of those early morning vitamins that I take that’s really good for slowing down the aging process. Number two is something called resveratrol. You’ve probably heard of resveratrol. Dr. David Sinclair actually became famous because he discovered resveratrol slows down aging. Resveratrol is found in red wine. And interestingly, he shares this only a couple times. The mice Who lived longest in his study of resveratrol were the ones who took resveratrol every other day, not every day. So I take resveratrol on the purple days and not on the blue days. So I only take it every other. Every other morning. And lastly, the. The. The last supplement that I take in the morning to help promote longevity and slow down aging is called quercetin. Ursodeoxycholic acid is a supplement that increased in popularity recently. It’s anti inflammatory, antioxidant, and is believed to protect or enhance CERT1. CERT1 is called Certuin 1, Silent Information Regulator 1. And, um, what it does is it basically protects our DNA and helps our DNA be. Be effective and helps repair DNA. So, uh, quick, so the three supplements are NMN and resveratrol and quercetin. I take those in the morning with a little fat. You need to take your resveratrol with fat, otherwise it’s not likely to be absorbed. If you want brands. So my favorite brands I don’t are Thorn and Vitamin garden of life. I’m not sponsored by either company. And for resveratrol, you want to make sure that it tastes like kind of burnt popcorn is how it tastes. So buy some resveratrol, open up the capsules, taste it, see if it tastes like burnt popcorn. Hope this was helpful to you. If you. I have a free gift for you. I have a master class on how to prevent alzheimer’s disease. You can register for free. Just go to the information under my profile and register there. Hope you enjoy this. God bless you.