Exploring Hollywood Drama and Relationships: A Discussion with Kirby Johnson

Last night finally caved and was like, what is this? Blake Lively? Justin Baldino. Feeney. I don’t even know Justin Baldino. Okay. That guy. Yeah. I was like, what? Ease all of this? So I actually did go to another creator who I worked with a million years ago, who’s amazing. Her name is Kirby Johnson. Okay. From Los Angeles podcast. Yeah. Shout out. She actually really came, like, from a Diane Sawyer perspective. Yeah. And broke it down. I think I’ve seen her TikTok on. She’s great. Okay. She’s really great. But I’m like, okay, cool. So is business. They were angry. Co producer. That’s what I’m saying. My thing is, like, I feel like, have people not, like. I feel like Kim Kardashian. Like, has nobody been to work? Like, I have hated so many co workers to the point of having a physical reaction when I’m in their presence. Literally every fucking corporate job. Literally. So, like, oh, they didn’t get along, move on. The movie is actually like, a ripoff in success and, like, I don’t care.