Target and Walmart Haul: Grocery Shopping, Beauty Essentials, and Unexpected Adventures

Hey, vlog, come with me to run some errands. I’m at target right now. We’ll also probably go to Marshalls and Home Goods later. Target is gonna be mostly grocery shopping. Since now I have a kitchen in the house, I wanna get some food. I do have, like, a lower amount meal plan this year, but I don’t wanna use my meal plans every single day in case I don’t feel like walking. I wanna have some food in the house, so come with me to do some grocery shopping. I literally don’t think I’ve ever been grocery shopping before. I’m not really planning on getting, like, meals to cook. Mostly, like, frozen foods that I can throw in the oven, or we have an air fryer and then maybe some fruit and, like, breakfast foods. They have all their fall decorations out. I’m really just gonna try to stick to what I need. Some essentials that I know I need. I need more sea salt spray for my belly button piercing. I ran out of the one that I bought at home. And then I need little, like, disposable shot glasses, because I’ve been using a shot glass. Like, put it on my belly button. I’m gonna go to the drink aisle and look for, like, small juice bottles. I had those in my dorm last year and I liked them. Shivering. I hate the target food section. Okay. They don’t have anything that I’m thinking of in My head. Maybe I need to go to an actual grocery store, like Shoprite or something. Okay, I also need a case of water and they only have these like, mini ones. Should I go to a different store? This is like sucking. Target, like, expensive too. Should I go to Walmart or something else? Alright, I’m in the frozen food section. I’m gonna grab some chicken nuggets. I just grabbed the cheapest brand I could find. They’re probably like, fake. No chicken in it. I don’t even care. Okay, just grab some taquitos. Okay, I’m getting like a personal sized pizza, some Uncrustables. Also, this is not meant to be healthy. Like, if you’re looking for, like, how to eat healthy at college, I’m not for you. Okay. I’m not seeing many options for breakfast food. I don’t envision myself, like, making eggs or anything. I found bigger size water. I’m gonna grab a piece of that. Okay. It’s like little bottles of cranberry, so I’m gonna get that. Okay. Actually, no, I’m not because they’re really small and it’s like $6. I’d rather get the ones I actually like somewhere else. I don’t know why this target has like, nothing. Those are the bagels that I have at my house that I eat like, almost every morning. I love them. I’m probably gonna grab like, cream cheese to go with that. I’m trying to think of like, healthy snacks, like cheese sticks or like an orange. They don’t Have a lot of produce here. I think I’m gonna try chive and onion cream cheese. Let’s hope I like it. Okay, I think that’s enough food. Okay, now I’m at Marshalls, and from here I need dry shampoo. Also, I realize I forgot the sea salt spray and the disposable shot glasses. So I’m gonna have to go like CVS or somewhere else for that. I’m gonna get this dry shampoo. My aunt let me try hers. She had, like, the blond version and I loved it. And I didn’t know they made a brunette version, so I’m gonna get that. I’m obsessed with this blanket dry shampoo that I showed you guys. Okay, now I’m at Sephora getting more of my pharmacy toner. Okay, they have one left. I found it. There’s just not a price. Okay, it’s $35. I really just don’t wanna drop that, even though it’s like I need it. I just. I’m gonna wait until every last drop of my old one is out. Okay, I didn’t see anything here, so I’m leaving. And I think I’m gonna go get a pedicure cause I think I deserve it and I wanna relax. Okay. Actually, before pedicure, I’m going to Walmart to get the sea salt spray I forgot. Okay, I found saline spray. Now that I’m in Walmart, I feel like I should have came here for food. There’s like a way bigger selection. Okay. I found little glasses to put over my belly. Button. I also found the juices that I like, and then I dropped them, and they exploded everywhere. So now I’m going to get new boxes of them. I’m getting one orange pineapple and one mango pineapple also. I’m so mad. I waited in the self checkout line for so long. Drop these, these exploded, and I had to get out of line, grab new ones, and I have to go wait back in line. I literally cannot make this up. After the first ones exploded, I went and grabbed the second ones. The second ones explode. This lady has to help me, like, scan all them, because they all exploded. I carry it all through the parking lot. I’m amazed they make it through the parking lot. I get to my car, they all fall out again. By explode, I mean fall out of the containers. They all fall out again. There were six of them scattered all under my car throughout the whole parking lot. I only found five. So one of them is rolling away in the Walmart parking lot somewhere, and I really don’t care to go find it. I was, like, crawling under my car. I just put hand sanitizer on, because my hands were, like, on the ground. Of the New Brunswick Walmart, probably the dirtiest place on earth. Okay, now I’m trying to decide if I should go get a pedicure right now or if I should go home, change my shoes until, like, Flip flops. Birkenstock. Because right now I’m wearing sneakers, which isn’t really ideal for a pedicure. And also, my phone is dead, and I want to sit there and, like, edit and obviously be on my phone. Um, so, like, do I go grab a portable charger and then just leave again? Also, I’d rather grab food at school using, like, a meal swipe then use my money, like, not at school. So I’m just trying to decide. I’m thinking I’m gonna go home and do all the things I just said.